ICA Mobile Communication Division
Current Calls
Top Dissertation Award
Mobile Communication Division
Call for Nominations
Deadline: 10 March 2025
The Mobile Communication Division is soliciting nominations for its Top Dissertation Award. The award honors a dissertation whose topic falls within the mandate of the Division. The review committee judges each nominated dissertation on several criteria, including the importance of the problem/topic it addresses, the strength of evidence it presents, and the significance of its conclusions. The committee also considers the overall contribution of the research to the field and the relationship of the submission to the mission of the Section.
Eligibility Criteria
This award, offered in odd-numbered years, honors a dissertation which focuses on “the phenomenon of mobility in communication – thus being placed at the intersection of mobility, technology, and culture in human communication. While including a wide array of approaches in communication scholarship from historical perspectives to studies on future media innovations, from ethnographic to quantitative empirical approaches, from journalism studies to media effects research the common ground of the Mobile Communication Section is state-of-the-art theorizing on mobile communication as well as rigorous methodology.” (Article 2 of the Division Bylaws)
The dissertation must have been completed (defended) in the calendar year preceding the nomination deadline. For the 2025 award, dissertations completed in 2024 and 2023 will be eligible.
The award is open to all ICA members who are also members of the Mobile Communication Division.
Submission Contents
For nomination, please include the following documents in a single pdf file:
An electronic copy of the dissertation
A 3-5-page summary of the significant elements of the dissertation
A letter of recommendation from the faculty advisor.
Submission Deadline
Submit the nomination in a single email by 10 March 2025, 23:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, GMT). A single PDF file should be submitted electronically to the Award Committee Chair, Kathrin Karsay (kathrin.karsay@univie.ac.at). Please place “Top Dissertation Award” in the email subject field.